Thursday, August 9, 2012

Reverted... :(

Alright... so the planner and such... thing. Yea, didn't work. Well, that's not completely true. It worked for about..... 2 days.

*sigh* Sooooo... I'm going to try again with this week. Hopefully.

Anyway..... What else? Hm... Well, been thinking... And I am pretty sure I'm going to end up putting in my "two weeks" at Things Remembered. I love what I do there, but I am not getting any hours. So... I'm meeting with someone at another store tomorrow and see what happens. Yep, I'll be all dressed up tomorrow. Make-up and all. I wonder if I still know how to apply it... :P

Tried Kung Fu last night. Feeling it today. It wasn't bad at all! It was actually kind of fun. I just need to not overthink it. (As with everything in my life.....) Might actually start going every week. :)

Alrighty, well... I think I'm gonna call it a night! Will update you with what happens tomorrow. :D

Stay Tuned!