Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Spring Cleaning Early.


Today, I was able to work 5 hours instead of 10, provided that I work the other 5 hours tomorrow. So I took the offer. 

Now, I'm sitting at home with the uncanny urge to clean. Virtually, anyway. I'm taking this afternoon to clean up inboxes, plump out my music on my computer, and get rid of anything that is no longer needed in my virtual world. Contemplating getting rid of my Hotmail email address since it's mostly used for junk mail anyway. I really only use my Gmail account anymore. I can just have everything switched over to that, or better yet, unsubscribe from a lot of things. Deleting accounts is next. I don't shop at Hot Topic enough to warrant an online account anymore. However, I do have a card with them for points.... Wonder how many points I have. *shrugs*

Next, will be the apartment... some more. I know there are still things here that we don't need that we can get rid of. Especially if the move talk is going to actually move forward. Granted, I've started to hang up more things in this apartment... I can't really imagine setting up another one right now, but if Travis' brother is going to move to Sioux Falls, we will need a different place. We've all agreed on that. 3 bedroom. 2 bath. And the search... continues?

I'm off to clean.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Taxes... suck.

You know.... I really don't like doing taxes. News, right? No one really LIKES to do their taxes, we know this. I just... I have nothing to be nervous about necessarily, but I'm always scared something is going to wrong! Ugh. Stress that I don't need!

Anyway... other things. I've started another series on Netflix.... Trying to stay away from "New Girl" because Travis and I watch that together. My other shows aren't updated with new episodes yet. So, I've started "Burn Notice." I watched it now and then when we had cable so I know a little bit, but now I can fill in the holes that I've missed. :) Also, it's something I don't need to pay all my attention to so I'm able to still work around the apartment.

There are things that I need to do that require me to go outside.... But it's cold... and I don't want to.

I guess this is turning more into a post about what I don't like to do. Didn't mean for that to happen... Bleh.

Okay, I'm going to go work on a few things.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Puzzle Fanatic....?

Hello there!

Since Christmas, I've been a complete Puzzle Fanatic... First, I received a Thomas Kinkade puzzle from Travis' mom. 

Wizard of Oz!
Then... I found another one at Wal*Mart...

Beauty & The Beast

And now, thanks to Travis, I have another one! It's in progress right now, but it's Cinderella. Looking to go out and grab the frames for both of the new ones. ^_^ Yea... the first one took 5 days and the second one took 4 days... Currently, we're on day 2... and it's almost done... Soooo, I did take some time to work on a long-overdue graphic design project. A couple actually. 

But I'm still pretty obsessed with puzzles. :P