Saturday, February 1, 2014

Puzzle Fanatic....?

Hello there!

Since Christmas, I've been a complete Puzzle Fanatic... First, I received a Thomas Kinkade puzzle from Travis' mom. 

Wizard of Oz!
Then... I found another one at Wal*Mart...

Beauty & The Beast

And now, thanks to Travis, I have another one! It's in progress right now, but it's Cinderella. Looking to go out and grab the frames for both of the new ones. ^_^ Yea... the first one took 5 days and the second one took 4 days... Currently, we're on day 2... and it's almost done... Soooo, I did take some time to work on a long-overdue graphic design project. A couple actually. 

But I'm still pretty obsessed with puzzles. :P

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