Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas, Christmas, Christmas!

Hello there readers!

Hope everyone's holiday season is going well and merry! ^_^ I realize that it's been a while since I posed last. I have also been pretty busy. Let's explore...

Working. Been working lots during the holiday season. Approximately 40 hours a week at Wal*Mart and then about 20 hours at Things Remembered. Yep! *enter sarcasm tone here* Working is fun! *end of sarcasm*

It's actually not too bad. Just leaves little to no time for anything else. However, with the season being practically over, hours will lessen... leaving time for.... ME! And all the other stuff that I need to do. :D Yay! haha

Things in my life... Travis and I are great! We're coming up on our 18 month anniversary right before the turn of the year. ^_^ It's been an amazing 18 months so far. Looking forward to the many months so come. <3

We're still looking to move into Sioux Falls in the next few months. Unsure of the details, but we should get them sorted out soon. Hopefully....

Watching House with Travis while we're sitting in Eau Claire with the Pickerign side of the family. Tomorrow, we take off for Huron to see Travis' parents and brother. 8 hours of driving ahead. *sigh* At least it's not too complicated, just long. 

Well, I guess that's all for now. Be back soon!!

Stay Tuned!

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