Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Updates and such.

Been busy, busy, busy lately... Between working at Walmart, working at Aero, and doing some photos for MelJean Designs (To see blog, click here!), I've barely had time for anything else! Including blogging.

So here it goes...

Work, at both places, is going well. Just kind of in a groove of going in, getting done what needs to get done, and going home. Nothing too spectacular happens. We are closing in on Christmas rather quickly... or so says Walmart... UGH! The "Christmas Shop" is open already. Layaway is up and running "earlier than ever" as the commercials put it. Lame. Sauce. All of that makes me want to boycott... Hardcore.

Had last weekend off, however, and Travis and I went to a wedding for one of his high school buddies, Wyatt. It was a fun time! Met Wyatt and Bill, both friends of Travis' from high school. Bill had a wife and kid. The baby was ADORABLE! His name is Kirby and he knows how to fist bump! Only 18 months old, too. So cute! Wyatt and Bill actually ended up coming over to the apartment Friday night to hang out. We played P & A and bullshitted all night. Funniest part? The two of them, mostly Wyatt though, kept asking Travis when he was getting married. They bugged him enough that he ended up saying, "I would very much like to when the time is right." ^_^ That made me feel better and put my mind a little as ease just to hear him say it out loud... and to his friends even! Hope isn't gone. :)

That's about it for this one. Thanks for tuning in!

Stay Tuned!

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