It was a kind of full weekend... so here's the 3 pictures and thanks that I missed.
Day 2: What You Wore Today |
Day 3: Clouds |
Day 4: Something Green |
Day 5: From A High Angle |
Day 6: From A Low Angle |
Day 7: Fruit |
Day 8: A Bad Habit |
Day 9: Someone You Love |
November 2: Today, I am thankful for Travis. He balances me. He's encouraging and strong. For the last 2+ years of my life, he's been one of the best parts of it and has helped me to grow as a person. I love him.
November 3: My friends are my reason for thanks today. Old and new, they all are family to me. Great memories and good times ahead.
November 4: I am so thankful to have a roof over my head. When I think of all those who aren't sure where they will lay their head from night to night, it makes me really appreciate where I live.
November 5: I am thankful for tea. Nice, hot tea. It's been helping to break up the congestion in my head, and now in my chest.
November 6: My jobs. They provide the income that I need to survive. The people I work with are awesome and I am very grateful to have a full time position, as well as part time position at two completely different types of places.
November 7: My family is awesome. Immediate family, extended family, and all the ones in-between. I know that they are there for me, even if I don't have constant contact with them.
November 8: I am extremely thankful for the talents I've developed over the years. My artistic abilities are always growing and I can't wait to see where they're going to take me!
November 9: Days off. Period.
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