Okay. Got the first 3 pictures up. Thinking I'll get into this regularly uploading pictures... Well, we'll see. I'm sure there are some days that I will fall behind. Anyway...
I do have to admit that tonight's picture was a little bit of a cop-out... I wanted to get a picture of my friend Katie and me at dinner, but I forgot my camera. Figures. Then, I remembered that I took down my decorations and figured that was worth documenting. :D
Alright... full post. So... I think details about Thursday night's flights and pick-up. :D Okay, first flight wasn't too horrible. Short and sweet. It was only about an hour long. Then, Dallas. Again, I was let off in the same terminal that I was leaving from in a few hours so I didn't have far to go. Course, now that I think about it... It may have been nice to occupy my time with going to a different terminal. haha I couldn't use my computer without paying for the internet. I didn't think I had enough time to really get into any of my books that I had with me. So, I just kind of sat there. Waiting. Then, they made one announcement that our plane would be arriving about 40 minutes late. It's times like that when I'm glad that I was at the gate early because they never made the announcement again so half the people didn't hear anything. It was really confusing because there was another flight to Sioux Falls basically right after ours. So, we ended up leaving close to 45 minutes late. Again, the flight was fine until I noticed that we weren't descending about the time we should have been. After about 10-15 minutes of wondering, the captain came over the sound system and said that we were diverting to Des Moines. The runway was too icy in Sioux Falls to land and we didn't have enough fuel to circle Sioux Falls while they de-iced the runway. My first thought was, "Omg, we're going to end up being stuck in Iowa overnight." Luckily, we were only there about 45 minutes to fuel up and waste time. Then, it was a quick 35 minute hop back to Sioux Falls and I was finally home. Well, almost. I texted Travis as soon as I could turn on my phone. After getting off the plane and making it to the baggage claim, I got a text from him saying he was outside the doors. I kind of wish I could have seen my reaction to that. I have a feeling that it was a little over-dramatic, but I was so excited to see him. So, I hustled outside and there he was. I ran up to his side of the car, waited for him to close his door, and threw my arms around his neck. *sigh* That was the best hug. Then, we kissed. And smiled. And kissed more. lol No tears or anything. Well, if there were, it was mostly because of the wind and cold. Best kiss ever. <3 So, it did kind of end up like a movie. Well, I hadn't gotten my big luggage yet. So I put my carry-ons in his car and went inside to claim my baggage. It didn't take too long. Then, we got in the car and braved the interstate home to Madison. We ended up going about 35 mph the whole way, but we got back in once piece. No worries. Oh yea... Thursday was our 6 month anniversary. <3 We were going to go to dinner, but with the weather, we went to dinner in Madison instead.
Let's see... Then, NEW YEAR'S! It was awesome. A small party of Casey, Adam, Shaun, Mike, Travis, and me, but it was still awesome.
Yay for timers on cameras! lol
We played Rock Band after midnight and I hadn't played in forever so it was pretty sweet. hehe Yes, at midnight, Travis and I kissed. ^_^ It was the best New Year's Kiss ever. With the exception of last year... wait... No, even including last year, I've never been kissed at midnight on New Year's. In high school, I always ended up babysitting. And the years following high school, I was either away from my significant other visiting family or single for the holidays. There may have been one year while I was with Scott that we were actually together for New Year's, but other than that, no. That was my first picture of the year. Perfect way to start a project, I think. lol We ended up staying up until 8 am the next morning. It was awesome!
So then the past few days have been a catching up and what not. Saturday, I was dead. Travis and I slept until 4 pm and I was still dead. Then, I found out that I had to work at 6:30 am the next morning. I basically forced myself to sleep about 10 pm. It worked out well... I was able to get up for work and everything even though I didn't want to. Now, I don't work again until next Sunday. SO... that leaves all this week to clean up the place and work on stuff that I've been wanting to. Well, at least I hope I can. It's so nice to just sit and not do anything. I was able to sleep in until about 10 this morning before my body decided it was time to wake up. Still not bad.
Oh yea! Last night I ordered a new phone! It's my upgrade time, so I went online and ordered it. It should be here by Thursday. I'm pretty excited about it. I'm leaving Blackberry and going to an LG Vortex. It runs the Android 2.2 system. I can't wait! Thursday will be nothing but fixing up my phone. haha
Well, I think that's all for now. Yay for a full post! Check ya later!
Melissa Jean