Thursday, February 10, 2011

Free time.....w-w-what's that?!

That's basically how I feel lately... Last week... or should I say that last, like, 3 weeks have felt that way. This week was actually a little bit of a break. I didn't have much due other than my Computer Graphics II Project which was my stop motion.... Lipton Tea Party. Enjoy! Oh, and let me know what you think! :D I enjoyed making that! :D

However, in one day, my list of homework went from having about 3-4 things to having about 10... or 12. Yea. Thankfully, there are a few things that aren't due until the end of next week or later, but still... GAH! It never ends, does it? And it just had to be that way for my last semester, huh? Here and I was silly and thinking it would be an easy last semester. Ugh... Oh well... Keep on going! 

Working out is sort of working out. I've been doing my work outs at least once a day even though I wanted to get into the routine of doing them twice a day. However, with rehearsals in the evenings... and they incorporate dancing... I really don't have the motivation to work out more than once a day. >.< 

Alright, I guess I wasn't as into writing a blog today as I thought I was. Today is just kind of... tired. lol Okay, I'll be back as soon as I can. :)

Stay Tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, I know what you mean! This semester isn't very outrageously busy for me, but I've had some crazy ones like you're going through now. Just keep swimmin!

    And dancing is working out!! I think your once a days should be good enough. =)
